Here some examples of movies where architecture is the main character and highly influences the life and actions of the inhabitants
MON ONCLE (Jaques Tati)
The scene above shows the house of Monsieur Hulot , the main character of the movie and aims to show how the architecture is the exterior representation of Hulot's interior soul, his quixotic struggle with postwar France's infatuation with modern architecture, mechanical efficiency and American-style consumerism.
While the next extract shows Villa Arpel the house Hulot's sister and her family.
M. and Mme. Arpel, are firmly entrenched in a machine-like existence of work, fixed gender roles, and the acquisition of status through possessions and conspicuous display. (A constant gag involves a fish-shaped fountain at the center of the Arpels' garden that Mme. Arpel turns on only for important visitors).
Metropolis is the perfect examples which uses the architecture as the key element to create a certain narrative and atmosphere.
All the characters are slave and highly influenced by the super modern city they have built.
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