Monday, 18 October 2010


 MARVIS   (Unit2)

This is a stop motion video I created during my first year .
The task was to redesign and interpret a chosen grooming object.
I chose the Marvis toothpaste because I was really attracted by the package and I created a story around the character of Marvis presenting him as a real person trapped in a toothpaste tube as a punishment for his greediness.


This stop motion was created last year at the beginning of Unit 7.
The unit was about how fashion techniques can potentially be applied to architecture.
The video aims to investigate and record the deconstruction of a garment to study its structure and pattern.


The task for this unit was to design two floors store for Japanese designwear company Uniqlo.
After the investigation of the fertile ground at the intersection of architecture and fashion, we have been asked to draw our  inspiration from spectacular buildings, extreme materials and incredible garments.

This is the link to the unit blog:


Yesterday the world ended because an
excess of luxury erased the old planet. 

We are now facing a new era and a new concept
of luxury is born and is silently revealing itself to
the survivors and we are all part of them!

Today our lives have been reshaped and the
normal order of things as we knew it
before has been put upside down.
Luxury is now simplicity , purity in
design , beauty and comfort for all.
Quality for the people.
Basics are the common language.
Because of the new environment and
the weather conditions we are living in, 

the only way to succeed is the use of clothes as
survival elements.
Clothes are now the only resource
our destroyed world can rely on.


The images below show the first concept models created to study and recreate  the post apocalyptic atmosphere.
The materials used to build the models are cocktail sticks and staples.
Light has been the key element to achieve the right atmosphere.


The images below are a series of stills taken from the short movie I made to introduce the design idea and concept.
The making of the movie was really useful in order to investigate and create the narration and the atmosphere .


The aesthetic of the building wants to give the idea of the end of the old world and the rebirth of a new one.
A new world where people are rebuilding from scraps and are learning to reuse the materials and the resources available.
The design manifesto wants to promote  basic needs, purity and sustenability.
Elements really close to the Uniqlo philosophy and style.


The image shows the axo of the whole building and some reference images. 


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