Saturday, 26 March 2011


The first part of my project has been centered around the subject of Dystopia analyzed and researched in its architectural and cinematic context aiming to identify the strong relationship between these two discipline (architecture and cinema).

In the second part my aim is now to design a cinematic fictional space which speaks and tells a story through the language of dystopia.

The site I have chosen is London, in particular the Brutalist sites of London and analyzing the city under this particular aspect I am trying to rethink its structure through a brutalist eye and I am trying to use it as the main set, narrative and protagonist of my film.

One of the main aspect I always try to take in consideration is the constant analysis and review of the Architecture identity and how its presence imposes itself on humans modifying human lives and activities.
My interest is the complex relationship and dynamics between architecture and humans and  in my project the main critical question I am trying to answer is where the role of one ends and the other starts and opposite.

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